First Lego League introduces young people, ages 9 to 14 (grades 4-8), to STEM, where teams of up to 10 children program an autonomous robot (using the LEGO® MINDSTORMS® robot set) to score points on a thematic playing surface, create innovative solutions to a problem, all while being guided by the FLL Core Values. Three elements, the Robot Game, Project, and FLL Core Values, make up the yearly Challenge. Teams also fundraise, create a team identity, and talk to experts in the field.
FIRST Lego League Robotics Competition is “the hardest fun you’ll ever have”
Team 3197 proudly promotes FIRST, STEM, robotics, and teamwork to the younger generation of engineers through Cedarburg School District’s four FLL teams 14541, 26927, 42067, and 42068. As a part of Webster Transitional School’s extracurricular activities, all middle school-aged students are welcome to join. More information on these teams and how to join can be found here.
The support of HexHounds members and mentors, school leadership, and a grant allowed us to fund FLL space at the middle school and contributed to the recent success of all four teams in regional competition. During the 2018 season, our FLL teams received ten cumulative award nominations and two teams, one an inaugural all-girls team, reached the sectional competition. The Hexhounds support our FLL teams year-round by acting as judges for during their season and by hosting FLL-based summer camps.
2018 Season Success:
- 14541: Sectional Competition
- 26927: Regional Competition
- 42067: Sectional Competition
- 42068: Regional Competition
Team 3197 is also currently assisting a FIRST Lego League Junior team that will begin next year at Thorson Elementary School. FLL Jr. is for children ages 6-10 (grades K-4) and introduces STEM at the elementary level. Teams of up to 6 children begin their challenge with the LEGO® Education Inspire Model. Then, using this model as a starting point, they learn basic engineering and programming skills with LEGO®Education WeDo and apply those concepts to make to create their own model. Teams use an Engineering Notebook and share their journey through a team Show Me Poster. Like FLL, Jr. teams operate under a set of Core Values.
Additionally, the HexHounds are the centerpiece of the Grafton FIRST Lego League Expo held every April at Kennedy Elementary School in Grafton, Wisconsin. At this event we demo our FRC robots as well as smaller ones including FLL and VEX robots. This event is a great opportunity for younger students with an interest in STEM to glimpse robots they could build in the future.