Cedarburg High School Robotics Team is an after-school STEM enrichment program that utilizes a robot competition format sponsored by FIRST (For Inspiration and Recognition of Science and Technology) to expose students to engineering and manufacturing topics and to make them aware of the broad scope of subject matter to consider when choosing an engineering or manufacturing-related career.
In a very hands-on way, Team 3197 teaches high-school students a variety of skill sets, including Engineering and Design, Manufacturing Materials and Processes, Computer Programming and Automation Technology, Machining and Fabrication, Business Management and Marketing.
“A Varsity Sport for the Mind®”, CHS Robotics’ mission is to utilize the above technical skills to successfully design, construct, and operate a team robot in FRC competitions. We strive to win, as well as create notable and ambitious mentor guided automation projects that are first and foremost built by students to demonstrate their acquired competence in these subject areas. Through our team and the FIRST Robotics Competition, students gain valuable life skills including innovation, self-confidence, communication, and leadership, as well as functional experience in creating automated systems.
Our team statement is ultimately to change the culture of our community & more.