2019 Sponsors

Without donations from corporate and local sponsors, our team would not have the means to build robots, nor would we be able to use them to inspire our community.  The HexHounds thank our sponsors for keeping us in operation for ten years and counting!

Platinum Level Sponsors ($5000+):

Gold Level Sponsors ($2500-$4999):







Silver Level Sponsors ($1000-$2499):

Struck Industries

Lions Cedarburg Lions Club

Rotary Cedarburg/Grafton Rotary

GenMet Corp higher jpeg logoMaking Stuff Is Cool DIGITAL



Bronze Level Sponsorships ($500-$999):


Print  Milwaukee School of Engineering


Copper Level Sponsorship ($200-$499):


Husco International




Ataco Steel

North Shore Eye Health and Wellness

Special thanks to the Festivals of Cedarburg for the opportunities they offer us!

Cedarburg High School Robotics Team – FRC #3197