Leadership Team

Leadership Team Information:

Team 3197’s Leadership Team consists of student leaders and adult mentors.  The Leadership Team’s duties go beyond those of regular members.  This team makes administrative decisions, plans events, and manages projects.  Every member of the Leadership Team puts in hundreds of hours of work behind the scenes to ensure that the team operates smoothly.

Leadership Team Meetings:

The Leadership Team will meet weekly.  All leadership meetings are closed to students not on the leadership team, but meeting minutes will be publicly available to team members.  However, students can approach members of the Leadership Team with relevant concerns.

Leadership Team Selection:

At the beginning of the robotics season, a selection committee consisting of mentors, faculty advisors and alumni will choose this year’s student Leadership Team.  The selection process is based on a written application, previous leadership experience, dedication and expertise.  Leadership roles are modified every year.

Leadership Team Responsibilities:

Leadership Team members are responsible for keeping team unity, making sure the team functions as designed, helping run meetings and builds and being a team spokesperson.  The leaders need to oversee robot design processes and technical aspects of FRC.  Leadership members need to ensure that team members are adequately prepared for the season.  Leaders of the team need to be responsible for FRC Competition including scouting, pit construction, and participation.  Leaders lead by example.  Leaders do not boss others around.  Team leaders work closely with team mentors to make sure the robot is moving forward and the team will meet deadlines.

Why Join Leadership Team?

When you join the Leadership Team you become highly invested in the team.  You are more in tune with the decisions and choices that are being made.  You are also available to apply for more scholarships for college, put leadership on your resume, and develop skills that regular member are not exposed to.  Leadership is a great life skill you can utilize anywhere, not just robotics.

Cedarburg High School Robotics Team – FRC #3197